In general day to day life I would like to see myself as an extremely organised person, however, lately I've definitely been slacking with my excessive organising and list making.
Currently I'm going through an important time in my life, going through university, moving into a new house and facing all the new obstacles that comes along with it. To help get myself back on track with both blogging, my new website ( and getting back into my old mindset I've set myself a few new resolutions. After all, who needs a new year or a fresh start to make changes, there's no better time than now, ey!
1) Blogging
I absolutely love running a blog, making LookBooks and also having somewhere to ramble away to. I'm going to start carrying around my Moleskine notebook much more and jotting down as many ideas I get for the future, both blogging and future projects. By planning my days a little more carefully and scheduling in a blog post every so often I then know that I have a set amount of time every few days to sit down with a cup of tea and be proactive.
2) Money
While I'm quite good with my money spending habits it's definitely something I'd like to improve. Making a list on paper or even a little spreadsheet so I can easily see what money I have coming in and out, this will then help to save my money a little easier and might curve my shoe buying habit.
3) Photography
Since starting university it has become apparent to me that career wise photography is going to be a massive influence and will also be involved within my future goals. I have always been a lover of magazines, especially anything that is filled with photography, regardless of the genre. With this in mind I'm going to start collecting anything that I find inspiration in, regardless of if it's a clipping from a magazine, a random business card etc. Having a book that is filled with inspiration & things I find motivational will be great on any days where I get a mind block. Plus, it'll be a physical version of Tumblr or Pinterest, always a positive thought!
While I definitely don't have the most interesting resolutions out there, it's something that I want to keep in mind and remember. There's no point in promising myself to make 3 blog posts every week, when realistically that's going to be a bit hard to commit to at first, but in the long run it is definitely a possibility.