Monday, 28 July 2014


Moving into a new house next year is making me all excited with different home DIY ideas and ways to organise my room. It definitely won't look as nice as my Pinterest board but I'll still be getting excited either way. This little mood board contains a few images that I'm using as inspiration for next year and years to come.

Forgive me for my lack of posts the next week also, I'm off on a family holiday to Bristol so I won't have my laptop to make any posts and I'll be pretty busy. Im going to take my camera however so expect a couple of interesting blog posts once I get back. I have some new shoots planned too, exciting!

Friday, 25 July 2014


Seeing as it's summer that always means theres a few more music festivals around this time of year. I've been to some in the past (T in the Park a few times) and I'm off to Creamfields in August, as I feel like I have a bit of knowledge I'm going to list off a couple of things to remember to bring. Plus, it'll act as a little check list for myself next month!

- Tent
- Bag
- Toiletries (toothbrush, comb, dry shampoo, hairspray, SPF, toothpaste & deodorant)
- Clothes (Shorts & Rain Coat are always a good combo)
- Food & Drink (snacks & wine more than likely...)
- Plastic cups
- Wet wipes & antibacterial gel
- Festival / bus / train tickets
- Phone
- Wallet & money

That's pretty much everything I normally take, always try to pack as light as possible as normally there's a trek to the campsite when arriving and leaving. The first year I went to T in the Park I brought twice as much and barely used anything, it just added to the pain of having to drag it all back again covered head to toe in mud and not feeling too good after a glass of wine too many!

Thursday, 17 July 2014


I'm not sure if you have ever noticed but photography has always been a big part of my blog, something I've always enjoyed and found interesting. Over the past two years or so it has become more apparent that it is going to be something I will always enjoy doing and be a form of inspiration.
While Im studying Fashion Communication I've also decided to have a go at setting up my own photography website, initially it's going to be something to share the work I have created amongst others and use it as a creative outlet. Alongside this blog, of course.
I can't lie though, in the future I would love to think of it being a form of income regardless of how big or small.

Anyway, long story short. I'm going to leave links to both my website & photography Facebook page so feel free to have a browse, leave any feedback or even give it a like.


Monday, 14 July 2014


A couple of the songs I've been listening to, might be worth giving a few of them a listen.

In other news, I'm nearly finished moving into my new house, hopefully some form of Ikea Haul / Room Tour / Home DIY project will be on it's way within the next few weeks.

Friday, 11 July 2014


I used to do Instagram recaps around once a week, but I found that I was rambling on about anything and everything. Saying that however, I love flicking back through Instagram as it reminds me of what I've been up to the past few weeks. Due to me enjoying these types of posts and they often get a good response I'm going to start doing them again, but maybe once every couple of weeks instead.

Anyway, since my last ramblings I've since finished my first year of university, been to London a few times and found some lovely little restaurants. Been house hunting, spent too much money on shoes & clothes (shock, I know). Basically,  I've just been enjoying my last few weeks of university and spent money that I don't have!

                                                 INSTAGRAM | TWITTER | TUMBLR | PINTEREST

Tuesday, 8 July 2014


In general day to day life I would like to see myself as an extremely organised person, however, lately I've definitely been slacking with my excessive organising and list making. 
Currently I'm going through an important time in my life, going through university, moving into a new house and facing all the new obstacles that comes along with it. To help get myself back on track with both blogging, my new website ( and getting back into my old mindset I've set myself a few new resolutions. After all, who needs a new year or a fresh start to make changes, there's no better time than now, ey!

1) Blogging
I absolutely love running a blog, making LookBooks and also having somewhere to ramble away to. I'm going to start carrying around my Moleskine notebook much more and jotting down as many ideas I get for the future, both blogging and future projects. By planning my days a little more carefully and scheduling in a blog post every so often I then know that I have a set amount of time every few days to sit down with a cup of tea and be proactive. 

2) Money
While I'm quite good with my money spending habits it's definitely something I'd like to improve. Making a list on paper or even a little spreadsheet so I can easily see what money I have coming in and out, this will then help to save my money a little easier and might curve my shoe buying habit. 

3) Photography
Since starting university it has become apparent to me that career wise photography is going to be a massive influence and will also be involved within my future goals. I have always been a lover of magazines, especially anything that is filled with photography, regardless of the genre. With this in mind I'm going to start collecting anything that I find inspiration in, regardless of if it's a clipping from a magazine, a random business card etc. Having a book that is filled with inspiration & things I find motivational will be great on any days where I get a mind block. Plus, it'll be a physical version of Tumblr or Pinterest, always a positive thought!

While I definitely don't have the most interesting resolutions out there, it's something that I want to keep in mind and remember. There's no point in promising myself to make 3 blog posts every week, when realistically that's going to be a bit hard to commit to at first, but in the long run it is definitely a possibility.